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About Lauren



Digestive wellness

Food allergies & intolerances

Healthy cooking / meal mapping

Diet and Detoxification

Elimination diets

Lifetime Fitness

Corrective Exercise/Strength Training

Sustainable Weightloss

Creating a healthy home

Lauren Neil is the founder of T(eat)CH, a revolutionary program that transforms nutrition education to encompass a holistic approach to wellness. With a comprehensive background as an Integrative Nutrition Specialist, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Orthopedic Exercise Specialist, and Health Coach, Lauren is uniquely equipped to guide individuals towards optimal health.

At the core of T(eat)CH is Lauren's belief in nourishing both body and soul. Beyond teaching the fundamentals of healthy eating, T(eat)CH empowers individuals to create a life that teaches a holistic approach to all aspects of wellness. Whether it's through nutrition, exercise, or mindset, Lauren's mission is to support every individual in achieving their fullest potential.

With Lauren's guidance, clients not only learn how to fuel their bodies for vitality but also how to navigate the complexities of modern living with grace and balance. Through personalized coaching and unwavering support, Lauren ensures that every "body" she works with is equipped to thrive in both health and life.

Join Lauren Neil on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being with T(eat)CH.

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