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Website Under Construction!

Please excuse the mess while I finish building resources for you! Feel free to look around or message me, the best is yet to come! Stay tuned and thank you for your patience! 

Wishing you Well,


"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" 



At the heart of Lauren Neil's philosophy is the understanding that what we put into our bodies directly impacts what we get out of them. Through her teachings, Lauren demystifies the fundamentals of nutrition, making health and wellness accessible to all. Her mission is to empower health seekers to seize control of their well-being by equipping them with the knowledge to make informed choices.

Lauren firmly believes that the prevailing sick care model must evolve, and true change begins with individuals taking charge of their own health destinies. By learning how to prevent illness before it takes hold, individuals can reclaim  their health and vitality.


Join Lauren Neil in reshaping your health journey and embracing a proactive approach to well-being.

Recipes & Tips 


Your favorite foods and recipes with a healthy twist. Custom recipes, meal mapping and tips and tricks that take the difficulty out of figuring out what to eat.

Health Coaching, Fitness & Meal Maps


From beginning your health journey to figuring out how to eat for specific needs, to detoxifying your home or body; custom coaching can help you accomplish your goals. 

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